by rami | Jul 18, 2023
This is a new country and this is a paragraph Here is a tag in H1 Here is a tag in H2 Here is a tag in H3 Here is a tag in H4 Here is a tag in H5 This text is bold and this is a hyperlink
by rami | Jul 12, 2018
1. Legal Basis Exemption from the requirements in REACH are to be found in § 24 in regulation (2008:245) regarding chemical products and biotechnical organisms. The regulation has been issued under the provisions of the Environmental Code (1998:808). The Inspectorate...
by rami | Jul 12, 2018
1. Legal Basis The granting of exemptions for defence reasons is supported by: Art. 2.3 of the REACH regulation, Art. 1.4 of the CLP regulation and the fourth additional provision of Law 7/2022, of April 8, these provisions are established at the national level in:...
by rami | Jul 12, 2018
1. Legal Basis 2. Description of National Procedure 3. Description of National Safeguard Measures 4. National Bodies Involved 5. Where to File an Application 6. Conditions/Procedures for Acknowledgment/Recognition of Foreign...
by rami | Jul 12, 2018
1. Legal Basis REACH Regulation exemptions can be granted under Article 1 (2) of the Act No. 67/2010 of 2 February 2010 on conditions applicable to the placing on the market of chemical substances and chemical mixtures, amending certain acts (Chemicals Act). The...